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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Web Time Wasters

What you get up to this week, friends? This weekend, Kenny and I are in Superior, WI, staring at the lake and eating our fill at some of Wisconsin’s best supper clubs. I mean, who wouldn’t want to eat au gratin potatoes at a place with a sign like this!?

Links for you

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

10 Ways To Keep The Vacation Feeling In Your Everyday Life

10 Ways To Keep The Vacation Feeling In Your Everyday Life

Why are vacations so magical? I don’t mean that in a philosophical, just-making-conversation way. I mean, I’m really asking you guys: What is it about not working + spending time in a new place that turns us into calmer, sweeter, more adventurous versions of ourselves? I just returned from a 10-day vacation in Portland, OR. I hiked behind water falls, attended my first nude beach, monopolized...

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True Story: I have Vaginismus, the ‘sex is always painful’ condition

True Story: I have Vaginismus, the ‘sex is always painful’ condition

What if sex was always, always painful for you? What if you couldn't even use a tampon? How would you navigate dating or deal with your period? Today, O shares the story of how she's navigated life with Vaginismus. Tell us a little bit about yourself.  I'm from Dallas, TX and I'm 27 years old. I recently graduated from a graduate program and am working as an entrepreneur in my field. I love...

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Mornings In: Austria

Mornings In: Austria

How do Austrian women get that glowing skin? Are all of them blond and six feet tall? Do they all eat yogurt and muesli for breakfast? Today, Austrian author Susanne tells us all about her Austrian breakfast and beauty routine! Name: Susanne Förster  Hometown: Salzburg, Austria Age: 31 Occupation: Bookseller and author My alarm is set for 7.25 a.m. My Austrian breakfast I'm not a "sweet" eater...

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True Story: I’m An Online Dating Coach For Men

True Story: I’m An Online Dating Coach For Men

If you've ever dated or used an online dating service, you've probably thought "OMG someone needs to coach these dudes." Sara does just that! She helps men figure out what they're looking for in a relationship, write their dating profile, even choose their photos! FASCINATING STUFF. Tell us a bit about yourself! Hi there! I’m Sara Sharnoff Chesley. I am addicted to chai tea, puppies, and reality...

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9 ways to improve your blog with zero technological know-how

9 ways to improve your blog with zero technological know-how

I wasn't trying to make my client cry when I slid the blogging strategy packet across the tiny coffee shop table. I noticed that her eyes got a bit shiny as she looked through the pages of bullet points. I silently hoped those were tears of joy and satisfaction. That was, uh, not the case."This is great. No, this is totally, TOTALLY great!" she said, blinking vigorously and doing that high voice...

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5 Ways To Stop Caring What People Think

5 Ways To Stop Caring What People Think

Do you care what people think? Raise your hand if you’ve ever done any of the following: 1. Uploaded a heavily filtered and cropped photo to Instagram,specifically designed to make your life look a bit more, uh, photogenic than it really is 2. Bought something you couldn’t really afford because everyone else was buying it 3. Didn't take the risk or send the application or buy the ticket because...

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