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Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? Kenny had Monday off so we finally saw this movie and then fell down a Wikipedia hole reading all about the true story it’s based on. This weekend, we took a super quick trip up north to help my mom celebrate her birthday and enjoy a bit of fresh country air.

Links for you!

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

True Story: I’m a morning TV news anchor

True Story: I’m a morning TV news anchor

When I met Hilary in Tulum a few weeks ago, my first thought was "Why is her hair so awesome in this humidity?!" followed by "I must interview her." The life of a morning tv anchor is a weird one. They get up super early, everyone recognizes them, and they have to be pleasant to everyone, all the time. I think you guys will love Hilary's story! Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is Hilary...

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True Story: I was adopted at age 24

True Story: I was adopted at age 24

It's not uncommon for people to adopt babies, but what about adults? How does one end up being 24 and being adopted? By someone you don't share DNA with? Today, Ashley shares her sad/sweet/important story. Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is Ashley, and I am 26 years old. I’m from Southern California but was born in Central California. I am a freelance writer, runner, cat enthusiast, and...

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Mornings In: Italy

Mornings In: Italy

Red lips, smoky eyes, delicious pastries - those Italian women seem to have it figured out! Today Turin resident (and total babe) Benedetta is telling us alllll her secrets - including the $13 Italian beauty product us non-Italians can buy on Amazon! Name: Benedetta Albano Hometown: Torino, Italy Age: 22 Occupation: Third year Law student My alarm is set for: 7:30 My Italian breakfast In Italy,...

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True Story: I teach in a low-income urban school

True Story: I teach in a low-income urban school

What's it like to teach in an urban school? Rewarding? Heartbreaking? A little bit of column a and a little bit of column b? Low-income urban school districts are constantly under fire from the government, parents, and community members; teachers leave poor urban schools at a much higher rate than other schools. Today, Charlotte is sharing her experience. Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is...

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10 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Vacation Time

10 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Vacation Time

American friends, this is not where I torture you with statistics about how much vacation time Europeans get. DO NOT EVEN GOOGLE IT BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE YOU RUN SCREAMING AND WEEPING TO HR. While I have pretty much unlimited "vacation time" (re: writing blog posts at a different table, in a different time zone), my husband does not. I do a lot of solo travel but sometimes it's nice to travel...

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The Cheapskate Guide To: Brooklyn

The Cheapskate Guide To: Brooklyn

Who doesn't want budget travel tips for Brooklyn? No one, that's who. Travel to New York can be expensive, so I brought in a local to share her best cheap Brooklyn travel tips, like a $40 a night Airbnb, cheapo pierogis, and free performances by Grammy-winning choirs! Hi! I’m Katie. I help millennials reach big money goals and become financially confident over at More Money For Me. Fun fact...

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