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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Stop Buying Sh*t You Don’t Need

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Everything is socially contagious (and what to do about it)

Just about everything in life - spending, mindset, habit, even health - is socially contagious. When we know that, we can plan accordingly. Click through for tips that will help you save money, build good habits, and change your mindset! #goalsetting #goodhabits #badhabits #habitchange
It’s Saturday night and I’m cuddled into the corner of my friend’s couch. The wine is flowing, the fireplace is roaring, and we’re all picking at the post-dinner party cheese tray.

We’ve progressed to the part of the night where enough time has passed (and enough wine has been consumed), that we’ve given ourselves over to gossip.

We’ve talked about That Couple’s divorce and That Friend’s propensity towards oversharing on Facebook.

Gossiping and passing judgement are my greatest vices and the character traits I like least in myself. But the gossip is contagious and before I know it, I’m saying things I shouldn’t and sharing stories that are absolutely not mine to share.


Of course, I take 99% of the responsibility for this behavior but the truth is, that quote we see on Pinterest is REAL. We are, in fact, the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Pretty much everything humans do is socially contagious.

We’re pack animals! We evolved to live in groups, to cooperate and collaborate with others so we could, like, get the best cave, the best Mastodon drumstick, and not get exiled to the dark, cold tundra.

So it makes sense that everything, ever is socially contagious. We’re ‘safer’ when we’re behaving like the people around us. But what happens when our friends, family, neighbors, or coworkers make choices that aren’t right for us?

What happens when we ‘catch’ habits and behaviors that actually push us further from the people we want to be?

Habits that are socially contagious

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

True Story: My Grandfather was illiterate and now I write for a living

True Story: My Grandfather was illiterate and now I write for a living

Did you know that 14% of Americans are illiterate? And 21% of Americans read below a fifth grade level? Today, Rachel is sharing the story of her grandfather's illiteracy, how it affected his life and how it affected her own education and career path. Really important and interesting! Tell us a bit about yourself! Hi, I’m Rachel Kurzyp. I’m a writer and communications consultant focusing on...

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How to get strategic about growing your blog

How to get strategic about growing your blog

How many articles and blog posts have you read about growing your blog? 10? 20? A jillion? I've been blogging for almost eight years and I thought I knew pretty much everything there was to know about growing your online space. And then I went on a mastermind retreat with Kyla and she blew my mind. So I obviously asked her to share her best ideas with you guys! There are so many top ten posts...

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New Thing: Forage For Mushrooms

New Thing: Forage For Mushrooms

What's hard to find, super valuable, and tastes heavenly with scrambled eggs? If you guessed a. the right romantic partner b. a really good pair of leather boots c. morel mushrooms you are correct. Every year, I make a list of new things to try and I've been wanting to try foraging for aaaaages. But you know what's harder than you'd think? Finding something you've never looked for before. In a...

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Mini Travel Guide: Portugal

Mini Travel Guide: Portugal

Why should you visit Portugal? Welllll, you can rent a penthouse apartment with water views for $29 a night in Lisbon right now. You can also surf, eat world-class cheese, and check out weekends 'festas' in tiny villages. Yes, let's all go there right now! Madeleine is here to further convince/inform us. Hello! Madeleine here. I’m a writer from England, now living in the Serra da Estrela (Star...

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True Story: I work for NASA

True Story: I work for NASA

What's it like to have a job at NASA? To work AT MOTHER LOVING MISSION CONTROL?!!! How do you not get one million ulcers? How often do people make 'rocket scientist' jokes at you? Today, Sarah Ruiz is telling us all about her 14-year career at NASA and the truth about weightlessness. Obviously, Sarah's interview answers are her own and not some official statement from the National Aeronautics...

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7 Types of Content That Do The Networking + Community-Building For You

7 Types of Content That Do The Networking + Community-Building For You

When I'm working with clients, I hear the same two thing over and over and over: 1. "Are you following Pumpkin The Raccoon on Instagram?" 2. "How do I build community around my work? How do I network with other people in my field?" To which I say: 1. "OBVIOUSLY." 2.  "There are lots of different things you can do to create community around your work and writing! And lots of non-gross ways to...

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