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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? I saw Eighth Grade with a buddy, phone banked for the DFL (totally not scary!), and packed + planned for my trip to Denver next week. Totally excited to see the Denver Aquarium mermaids and try out some great vegan restaurants!

Links for you: 

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

Simple Facebook Ads For The Easily Overwhelmed

Simple Facebook Ads For The Easily Overwhelmed

What do you guys know about Facebook ads? I know, oh, nothing. I mean, I know they're important, effective, and a great use of your marketing dollars once you get them figured out. But every time I log into the dashboard my blood pressure doubles and allofasudden it's more more important that I take the dog for a walk. To that end, I brought in Facebook Ad Expert Jenn Stevens to give us a super...

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A Weirdly Easy Trick To Stick To Your Goals

A Weirdly Easy Trick To Stick To Your Goals

Like most humans with a pulse, I’m not always great at sticking to my resolutions or achieving every goal I attempt. And it’s not always for lack of trying! Sometimes I literally just forget about them. I get mired in the day-to-day (We’re out of cat food! I hate all my clothes! WHY IS MY COMPUTER SO SLOW) and my grand ambitions are forgotten. Until I started following Facebook and Instagram...

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Mini Travel Guide: Jamaica

Mini Travel Guide: Jamaica

All I know about Jamaica is a) those accents b) jerk chicken. But there's so much more to these gorgeous islands! Today, local Susaye is telling us about the tiny towns we can't miss, hidden waterfalls, and why we should pop into a track and field event. Fascinating! Hi, I am Susaye and I currently reside in Montego Bay, Jamaica. You have probably heard of Jamaica because it is the home of...

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True Story: I was bullied at work

True Story: I was bullied at work

A 2014 survey found that 27% of employees have experienced workplace bullying. I hope this never, ever happens to you, but if it does - know that you're not alone. Today, Lauranne is sharing her story. Tell us a bit about yourself. My name is Lauranne. I am an animal nut, I love DIY and spending time with friends and family. I love food, wine, and exercise (although the exercising is mainly done...

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True Story: My husband died of a brain tumor at 36

True Story: My husband died of a brain tumor at 36

Can you imagine being 29 and getting a call that your totally healthy boyfriend just had a seizure at work? And then finding out that he had a brain tumor? Today, my friend Nora is sharing the story of her life with Aaron. I know you're going to love her writing. Warning: you'll probably laugh/cry your way through this interview. Tell us a bit about yourself.  I’m Nora! I’m a 30-ish-year-old...

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What to do if you hate networking

What to do if you hate networking

Here, in list form, are things I like more than networking. 1.  Everything Yes. I like paying my quarterly taxes more than networking. I like visiting the DMV more than networking. I like cleaning up piles of cat spittle on the basement floor and emptying the Roomba* more than I like networking. * no, but seriously, I actually looooove emptying the Roomba  Which is to say: I do not enjoy...

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