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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

6 Instagram Ideas That Will Make Your Life Happier + Better (Instead Of Falling Into The Comparison Trap)

Looking for Instagram ideas? These aren't your usual Instagram tips about cropping and filters. Click through for advice on using social media in a way that makes you happier and supports your personal development!

What are your Instagram ideas?

“My house should look like that and since it doesn’t I am clearly a loser.”
“How in the name of all that is good and holy can they afford that? And why can’t I?”
“I don’t look like that in a swimsuit. I AM NEVER WEARING A SWIMSUIT AGAIN.”

I’m sure you’ve seen a million studies that say social media negatively affects our self-esteem. Instagram is charged with this more often than Twitter or Facebook – and I get it! It’s not hard to filter and crop our way to a perfect-looking life. It’s easy to forget that social media is a highlight reel.

There are certainly arguments for using our phones and social media less. But I’d like to make the controversial argument that – when used with intention – Instagram in particular can actually make us happier.

6 Instagram Ideas That Will Make Your Life Happier + Better 

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

Reminder: You can be inspiring just by being yourself

Reminder: You can be inspiring just by being yourself

This is the real, true story of how my best friend and I fell in love with a middle-aged couple in Mexico. Okay, maybe 'love' isn't the right term. Maybe it's more accurate to say we fell in adoration with them or we were completely overcome with life-envy. Or maybe we just wanted to grow up to be them. This is how deep our love ran: After we parted ways with this couple, we spent the next 20...

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True Story: I’m a professional voiceover artist

True Story: I’m a professional voiceover artist

You might not recognize Sarah's gorgeous face, but you might have heard her in a McDonald's commercial, in movie promos, or yelling at you in your favorite video game. Today, she's telling us how she fell into this career, the weirdest sounds she has to make as part of her job, and how she takes care of her voice! Hear Sarah's voice over reel here.  Tell us a bit about yourself!  Hello - I’m...

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Trying Times Are For Trying New Things

Trying Times Are For Trying New Things

How many times have you seen that Einstein quote? You know the one: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” And you think “Coooool. Coolcoolcool.” …. and then go back to what you were doing. Which is, coincidentally, the same thing over and over again. No? Just me? I mean, I hope it’s not just me. Because that would make for a...

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The Cheapskate Guide To: New Orleans

The Cheapskate Guide To: New Orleans

Want all the secrets to visiting New Orleans on a budget? Those historic hotels and decadent food can add up fast. Today, a local is sharing her best New Orleans budget travel tips: $25 hostels, free (!?) Indian food, and a $2 ferry ride that shows you the whole French Quarter! Hey y’all! I’m Sarah Becker Lillard, a wedding photographer specializing in historic home weddings and elopements and...

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True Story: My mom has an intellectual disability

True Story: My mom has an intellectual disability

What would life be like if your mom had an IQ of 62? What if you realized that your mom was different than other moms when you were three years old? Today, Anna is sharing the story of her relationship with her mom and how they've connected despite significant odds. Tell us a bit about yourself!  Hi! My name is Anna; I’m Midwestern by birth and did a stint in the deep South as a teenager/young...

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How To Start A Podcast That Will Grow Your Business + Community

How To Start A Podcast That Will Grow Your Business + Community

Listening to podcasts during lunch is one of the best business habits I have. They're such an easy, fun way to absorb information and learn new things! But what about starting a podcast? How can a podcast help your business and grow your community? Today, podcaster Jennifer Snyder is telling us who'd be a good fit for podcasting and how to get started! We’ve all heard that if you’re going to...

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