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Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Why You Should ‘Indiana Jones’ Your Bad Habit + How To Do It

Want to break a bad habit? Replace your bad habit rather than trying to go cold turkey or be too virtuous! Tap through for ideas about less-bad habits you can use to replace your bad ones! #goalsetting #habitchange #badhabits #goodhabits

“You know what? I think I’m ready to do it.” We’re driving back to Minneapolis after a long cabin weekend and my never-ending yammering about habits and goals has my friend all riled up.

“I’m gonna do it for real this time,” he nods. “I’ve got this terrible habit of checking my phone first thing in the morning and I’m going to go cold turkey.” He passes an old Nissan and takes a sip of his gas station coffee.

“I’m going to stop checking my phone and start meditating! Yes!” He slaps the steering wheel.

“Oh dude, you don’t have to do that,” I tell him. “Why don’t you just Indiana Jones it?”

Unsurprisingly, this makes zero sense to my friend. So I elaborate.

“You’ve seen Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark, right?” (This is a trick question because we’re both children of the 80s and OBVIOUSLY HE’S SEEN IT.)

“Indiana Jones doesn’t just, like, snatch the golden idol and leave that pedestal empty. He replaces the it with a bag of sand that’s about the same size and weight.”

Now, leaving aside the fact that it’s, uh, pretty problematic that Indiana Jones is stealing ancient artifacts from indigenous people and his sandbag swap triggers a series of booby traps, I think what he does nicely illustrates something we should do when we’re trying to break bad habits. Instead of trying to break a bad habit cold turkey or replace it with something painfully virtuous, what if we swapped in something slightly less ‘bad’? Share on X read more…

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

How to be less annoyed with everyone

How to be less annoyed with everyone

It started, like many things do, with a pair of misplaced shoes. Last weekend, our house devolved into a pit of yelling and blaming and annoyance over a pair of ripped up trainers. My usually-calm husband was attempting to hustle his kids out the door and in the manner of children everywhere, they were Taking For Actual Ever. They had to stop and talk to/about the dog. They had to argue about...

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The Cheapskate Guide To: San Diego

The Cheapskate Guide To: San Diego

Did you know that San Diego is on the list for top 10 best weather in the world!? It's hard to argue with 72 degrees. Today, San Diegan Crosby tells us where to find the best, cheapest tacos, amazing vintage shops, and $55 a night Airbnb rentals. Ca-yute! Let's all book flights and meet on the beach. Yes? Yes. Hi! I’m Crosby, the founder of PR Couture - known as the fashion PR bible, and a...

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True Story: I’m a private investigator

True Story: I’m a private investigator

Does what we see on TV bear any resemblance to real life as a private investigator? Are you really tapping phones and going on stakeouts? Today, a working P.I. tells us about her strangest cases, how she finds missing people, and how long cases usually take (you'll be surprised!) Tell us a bit about yourself! I’m Scar, I live in London and I’m a private investigator specialising in computer...

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Just Because You Don’t Like Something, Doesn’t Mean You Can Ignore It

Just Because You Don’t Like Something, Doesn’t Mean You Can Ignore It

Like most people, I have a long, loooong list of things I don't like. In my offline life, these things include: self-absorbed conversationalists cocktail shrimp when people don't delete a Craigslist ad after the item has sold The list of online, business-y things that I don't like? It's even longer. For the longest time, I eye-rolled at: Facebook (I resent that they're constantly changing their...

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True Story: I worked on Alaskan fishing boats (starting at age 9)

True Story: I worked on Alaskan fishing boats (starting at age 9)

Top photo: the FV Awtam that Ron worked on at age 9. Bottom photo: various boats Ron has worked on.  If you love The Deadliest Catch or have a healthy sense of adventure, this is for you. Today, my cousin-in-law (is that a thing?) tells us how he started working at 9 years old, what happens when the fish are running, and what you do if the is captain passed out at the wheel and crashes the boat....

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How To Quit One Job Without Having Another One Lined Up

How To Quit One Job Without Having Another One Lined Up

Can you quit your job without another one lined up? Is that even a thing? Or is that just something headstrong twenty-somethings do in rom coms? Today,  two-time career-changer-and-job-leaver Ashlee Piper tells us how you can leave a job without having another . She's got great tips on creating an escape plan, making peace with this new stage of your life, and staying positive while you rebuild...

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