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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Web Time Wasters

How was your week, friends? How are you doing and dealing with current events?

I’m self-medicating with a combination of 5calls.org, planning upcoming trips, and watching The Good Place. Yesterday we went to the ever-adorable Red Wing for my 4-year-old niece’s birthday party + bluff hiking + thrifting and it was exactly what my heart and mind needed.

Links for you!

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

Mini Travel Guide: Tasmania

Mini Travel Guide: Tasmania

There are so many things to do in Tasmania! It's more than the island home to everyone's favorite devil. There's amazing seafood, the intriguing convict past (!!), and pick-your-own fruit. Lovely! Local Mischa tells us all about it! Hello all, I’m Mischa. I have been visiting Tasmania for over a decade as various members of my family decided to move there. Recently I took some time off and spent...

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New Thing: Read East of Eden

New Thing: Read East of Eden

I always thought that I hated Steinbeck. His books seemed to be a never-ending parade of men and farms and depression and desperation. I remember dragging myself through Grapes of Wrath in 11th grade English, staring into the middle distance with bone-shaking boredom as we worked our way around the room, reading passages. Everyone was sad. Everything was covered in dust. Some smart, kind person...

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True Story: I’m a professional backup singer

True Story: I’m a professional backup singer

What's it like to stand 20 feet behind Demi Lavoto, in front of thousands of screaming fans? Or appear on The Voice - but not as a contestant? Chelsea's telling us all about it - how she landed her biggest gigs, how she stays positive, and how she protects her 'instrument.'  Tell us a bit about yourself!   I’m Chelsea Latimer and I recently turned 29. (Sagittarius!) I grew up in Colorado and...

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What You’re REALLY Seeing When You See ‘Success’

What You’re REALLY Seeing When You See ‘Success’

Do you ever fall down an Internet envy hole? You scroll through someone's Instagram feed, green-eyeing their expensive vacations, 'internet famous' friends, and Pinterest-worthy home. Or maybe your heart beats double time when they share their monthly income. Or your stomach rumbles with jealousy when they launch a course on a topic you'd always meant to write about .... but never quite did....

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Mornings In: Dubai

Mornings In: Dubai

Name: LuAnne D’Souza Hometown: Goa, India but living in Dubai, U.A.E Age: 29 Occupation: Fashion and Beauty blogger/ Online Marketing Manager My alarm is set for: 8:30 am My Emirati breakfast: I usually have a healthy breakfast of avocado on toast, or eggs with bread or oats and fruit. If I have the time, I whip up a smoothie or fresh juice but if I’m in a hurry, I have a cup of lemon tea. The...

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True Story: I launched a music career at 38

True Story: I launched a music career at 38

I think a lot of us reach 35 and decide that it's 'too late' for us to learn + excel at a new skill. Maybe we'll take a dance class or join a choir, but we don't expect to 'get serious' about it. Amy is having none of that. Today, she's telling us how she picked up her first guitar at age 38, how she's performed all over Texas, and released three albums! Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is...

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