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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Stop Buying Sh*t You Don’t Need

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

How Much Is Your Habit Worth In Dollars? (Mine’s worth $280,000)

Wondering about habits to start? Thinking about which healthy habits would improve your life? When you know how much your habit is worth, it's easier to commit to it! Tap through to read more.  #goodhabits #badhabits #habitchange #goalsetting
My hands are a little sweaty as I click the ‘send’ button.

I pace around the living room, giving myself a pep talk. “You know what? Maybe this is what will get people to pay attention. I know it’s supposedly tacky to talk about but I think it’s important and I’m glad I did it. Yup? Yup. Yuuuuup.”

What did I do?

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

Why + How To Update Your Old Blog Posts

Why + How To Update Your Old Blog Posts

Earlier this month, for the first time in my seven years of blogging, my site crashed due to traffic. I responded the way anybody would. I joy/panic ate a large bowl of guac. I made my husband stand behind me and marvel while I refreshed the '509 bandwidth limit exceeded' page. Then I spent three days emailing back and forth with my website host. (<- insert unimpressed emoji here.) But the...

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The Cheapskate Guide To: Pittsburgh

The Cheapskate Guide To: Pittsburgh

Oh, you guys. This is a good one. Today, Pittsburgh local Katie is telling us about $2 per slice pizza, pay-what-you-can hostels and a free Cathedral of Learning AND a dinosaur statue dressed as Mr. Rogers AND a taxidermy museum. LET'S ALL GO IMMEDIATELY. Hi! I’m Katie, and I’m a writer living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I moved here in 2007 from Virginia, and my husband and I bought our first...

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True Story: I’m a professional palm reader

True Story: I’m a professional palm reader

What's it like making a living looking at strangers' hands and telling them about themselves? Do you ever see things you wish you hadn't? How do people react at cocktail parties when you tell them what you do? Today, Peggy's telling us about her career and how she went from hotel sales > IT recruiter > professional palm reader! Tell us a bit about yourself! My name is Peggie and I grew up...

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7 Travel Tools I Will Not Shut Up About Till You Buy Them

7 Travel Tools I Will Not Shut Up About Till You Buy Them

If we ever meet in real life and you make the mistake of telling me that you're about to travel, you should know what's going to happen. I'm going to pull you aside and start speaking very intensely while counting things off on my fingers. I'm probably going to send you a follow-up email in which I reiterate everything I told you in that conversation. I JUST REALLY WANT YOU TO HAVE A GOOD TRIP...

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True Story: We lived off the grid

True Story: We lived off the grid

I think a lot of us fantasize about 'getting away from it all' and getting off the grid. No utility bills! No neighbors! Meals from the garden! Today, Chandelle is telling us what it's really like - loud gas generators, coyotes, and all. FASCINATING. Tell us a bit about yourself! Hi, I'm Chandelle! I’m 29, and I live in a small town of 1800 people in Mendocino County, California, with my husband...

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True Story: I left Scientology

True Story: I left Scientology

Guys, this interview is a doozy. I completed it two years ago, but Jeff's answers were so off the wall, well, I didn't quite believe them. Then 'Going Clear' came out and I realized that what he'd experienced was actually incredibly common. Tell us a bit about yourself. My name is Jeff Hawkins. I am 67 years old, and I am a graphic designer living in Portland, Oregon. I was a staff member of the...

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