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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Stop Buying Sh*t You Don’t Need

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Web Time Wasters

What’d you get up to this week, friends? Besides losing your mind over current events? I had lunch dates, got ready to open the live version of Make It Stick Habit School (!!!), and now I’m taking a three-day weekend at a cabin in Wisconsin for a friend’s birthday. Hiking! Kayaking! Reading by the fire!

Links for you!

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

Simple Ways To Improve Your Site Navigation (even if you’re not super techy)

Simple Ways To Improve Your Site Navigation (even if you’re not super techy)

This guest post comes from Ffion Evans. Ffion is a freelance designer and founder of Kaleidoskop. She helps freedom-seeking, rule-breaking entrepreneurs stand out and monetize their unique brand of creativity by building a powerfully personal and functional online presence. I hate to say this as a designer, but sadly, online success is about more than gorgeous visuals. You can have the most...

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16 Interesting, Better Small Talk Questions

16 Interesting, Better Small Talk Questions

Here are some real, actual small talk questions I’ve used lately: 1. “So, who are you guys using for your taxes this year?” 2. “What’s your deductible like with Health Partners? Is there a co-pay?” 3. “What sort of productivity tools are you using? What’s your on-boarding process for new clients?” Did you just give yourself a migraine from eye rolls? Are you thinking “Wow, I thought Sarah seemed...

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Mini Travel Guide: Puerto Rico

Mini Travel Guide: Puerto Rico

Looking for a travel guide to Puerto Rico? You're in the right place! You don't even need a passport to visit this amazing island! You can hop on a flight and visit this U.S. territory to swim in a bio-luminescent bay, mow on cheese-filled pastries, or just hang out on the beach! All without exchanging your dollars! Sounds pretty great, right? Hello! My name is Neysha, and I’m a writer,...

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True Story: I’m A Burlesque Performer

True Story: I’m A Burlesque Performer

Do you have a weakness for sequins and rump-shaking? Me, too. Today's interview with Freya West is fascinating. Below, Freya talks about how silly can be sexy, how her husband feels about her burlesque career, and what percentage of her audience is female - it's surprising! Tell us a bit about yourself! I’m a burlesque warrior, fire swallower, and teacher. I started my burlesque journey in 2008...

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52 ways your blog + social media can help you have the life you want

52 ways your blog + social media can help you have the life you want

It sounds hyperbolic and ridiculous but it's the truth: blogging changed my life. My blog introduced me to some of my closest friends. It's helped me land bylines in national and international publications and on widely read websites. It has provided couches to crash on, all over the world. It's given me the structure and impetus to try new things again and again and again. It's also helped me...

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The Cheapskate Guide To: Phoenix

The Cheapskate Guide To: Phoenix

As you're reading this - in late January - it's currently 70 degrees and sunny in Phoenix, Arizona. In addition to being home to nearly year-round sun and warmth, Phoenix is home to $26 Airbnb rentals (with a pool!), $3 movies, $4 burritos, and gorgeous, free museums and arboretums. Are you convinced? Well, hi! I’m Dressler, and my internet home is Bitter Butter, where I share the history of...

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