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Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

2 Perfectionist Tips That Will Free Up Your Time, Brain, and Energy

Looking for perfectionist tips that will help you overcome perfectionism? Just want to write better to-do lists in your bullet journal or be more productive? Click through for 2 great tips!

I’m not a perfectionist in the traditional sense.

I’ve published dozens of blog posts that contain typos. I’ll leave the house knowing there’s a tiny coffee stain on my shirt and pretend it happened in transit. I’ll happily cobble together a meal from a wilting green pepper and some freezer-burned corn and then yell about how I’m pretty much Julia Child.

I mean, I wrote a blog post entitled “It Doesn’t Have To Be Perfect, It Just Has To Be Something.”

But I’ll also spend weeks – or months! – polishing and editing and fussing over an ebook that’s already 99% amazing. I’ll wander into the kitchen at 10 pm “just to wipe down the counters” … and then it’s 45 minutes later and I’m defrosting the freezer. I’ll spend so long tweaking a client proposal that I almost miss the deadline.

Of course, truly getting over perfectionism is the work of a lifetime and probably lots of therapy. But while you’re doing that deeper work, here are two surprisingly effective tips that have helped me get out of my own way and get on with my totally-not-perfect-but-still-awesome life!

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

Our unexpected, cheap, awesome honeymoon destination

Our unexpected, cheap, awesome honeymoon destination

When we told people where we were going for our honeymoon, the response was - almost universally - "Hahahah! Wait. What?" Either that or a polite, strained, very Midwestern "Well. Isn't that ... interesting." To which I would (internally) reply "Yes! That's right! I'm going to pay $114 a night for a beach house and kick around huge, white sand beaches devoid of people and eat my weight in...

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True Story: We quit our corporate jobs, sold our house, and moved to a village in Spain

True Story: We quit our corporate jobs, sold our house, and moved to a village in Spain

Do you ever want to run away - even though you're (allegedly) an adult? I think a lot of us fantasize about a shedding the B.S. of modern life and starting again in a life that's cheaper, easier and more in tune with who we are. Betsy and Warren actually did it.  Tell us a bit about yourselves! I (Betsy) am 45 and Warren is 44, a difference he never lets me forget. We are avid hikers and you can...

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How To Waste Tons Of Time + Not Accomplish Anything!

How To Waste Tons Of Time + Not Accomplish Anything!

It pains me to admit that I often sort my days into 'good' and 'bad' based on how much I accomplish. Binge-watched Mozart In The Jungle while eating plate after plate of nachos? Bad. Wrote three content upgrades, emailed five True Story interviewees, and scheduled a newsletter? Good. While I knooooow that my intrinsic worth is not measured by my professional output, it sure feels good to get...

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How to find your dream apartment

How to find your dream apartment

Did you know that I'm oddly passionate about .... renting? Such a sexy, hot-button topic, right? I'm also Pretty Serious about refugee resettlement and climate change but if you want me to get really excited? Let's talk about mortgage rates or how to make your apartment look great on a budget. Of course, there are many reasons to buy and maybe homeownership is totally, totally right for you. But...

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True Story: I have a trust fund

True Story: I have a trust fund

What would life be like if you had a trust fund? Would life be stress-free? Or would you feel guilt over inheriting money you didn't earn? This is one woman's story about having a trust fund and how she feels about it. Tell us a bit about yourself! I'm a 29-year-old health care provider living in Philadelphia.  I love cooking, reading dystopian fiction, and board games!  I grew up in a small...

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Mornings In: Greece

Mornings In: Greece

Name: Danai Christopoulou Hometown: Athens, Greece Age: 31 Occupation: Part-time baker. Full-time Editorial Director at Savoteur. Full-time cat lady. My alarm is set for 9:00 am. And then 9:15 am. And then 9:30 am. The morning struggle is real. My Greek breakfast: I'll just go out and say it, I don't really do breakfast. (Unless it's the weekend and there's booze involved.) If left to my own...

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