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Living your life on purpose starts with knowing what REALLY makes you happy. Get started by downloading my FREE audiobook + workbook below!

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5 Reasons Your Good Habits Don’t Stick

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How To Stop Buying Sh*t You Don’t Need

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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

You Need A Bullsh*t Budget. Here’s How To Make One

Have you ever felt like Adulthood is the biggest con that’s ever been pulled? That day-to-day life is just a series of errands and obligations and washing the dishes so you can use them and then wash them again?

Yes! Hello! Welcome to the club!

To me, a lot of these day-to-day tasks that suck the joy out of life (JUST SAYING) are, well, bullshit. And rather than accept the fact that Modern Adulthood is one bullshit thing after another, I set to work to find a way to reduce the bullshit in my life.

How to do that? I set aside money every month to deal with bullshit … and I think you should, too. Keep reading for the reasons why you should have a Bullshit Budget and how to find the money for it, even if you think can’t.

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

How To Give Amazing Gifts

How To Give Amazing Gifts

In addition to championship level cheese-eating and Thriller-dancing, I like to think that I'm a pretty good gift giver. I am totally the friend who makes note of the salt and pepper shakers you liked so much at that restaurant, finds a pair and then gives them to you for your birthday three years later. (And devotedly hopes that you remember that you liked them and aren't kind of creeped out by...

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It won’t get easier if you keep giving up.

It won’t get easier if you keep giving up.

The recipe said ‘hands-on time: 7 minutes, total time: 25 minutes’ and like a sucker, I believed them. I started on the waffles 30 minutes before my friends were due for brunch. “I’ll serve you waffles fresh off the griddle!” I said. “I can’t wait to show you this new recipe!” I said. My friends arrived to find me flustered and flour-covered, yelling about Waffles These Days and OMG did you know...

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Kitchen Globetrotter: Suriname Vegetable Salad with Coconut Dressing

Kitchen Globetrotter: Suriname Vegetable Salad with Coconut Dressing

This is one of many internationally flavored recipes that make up our Kitchen Globetrotter series. But this recipe comes from our new contributor, Heidi Larson of Foodie Crush fame. You’re going to want to check out her amazing recipes on her blog or follow along on Twitter or Instagram. While many of us in the good old U S of A experience the exoticism of the tropics through the straw of an...

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True Story: My 8-Year-Old Daughter Dresses Exclusively Like A Boy

True Story: My 8-Year-Old Daughter Dresses Exclusively Like A Boy

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting, challenging, amazing things. This is the story of Stasia and her daughter Raisa who only wears 'boy' clothes. Tell us a bit about yourself! I'm a 40-year-old momma with two wildly beautiful kids (2 and 8) and a wicked handsome social worker husband, living the good life in Vermont. Last year, I...

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Why Is It So Hard To Enjoy Our Happiness?

Why Is It So Hard To Enjoy Our Happiness?

  A traveler friend once told me that she breaks down the best moments of her trips into monetary units. That amazing, three-hour lunch under the Spanish moss with your best friends cost more than the $150 restaurant bill. It’s the four-hour, $400 flight that brought you to Savannah and the hour of faffing around at the car rental place. It’s the 30 minutes of Googling to find this gorgeous,...

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How To Add Character To A Boring Apartment

How To Add Character To A Boring Apartment

Wouldn't it be lovely if that boring, beige, cookie-cutter apartment had a bit more character? Felt a bit more like home? Today, Thalita is going to show us how to fill any space with character! Boring, cookie-cutter apartment are something so many people struggle with. I happen to live in a small suburban area, and it feels like there are new builds going up almost daily! Many of my friends are...

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