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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

True Story: I lost my hand, leg, and sight to sepsis

How would you navigate life after a sepsis infection lead to the amputation of your leg and hand and loss of your eyesight? Click through for one woman story.

How would you navigate life if you lost your leg, hand, and eyesight to a surprise infection … while you were pregnant? How would you cope with re-learning how to walk, parent, be a partner after something like that? That’s exactly what happened to Carol in 2008. This is her story.

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

True Story: I’m A Costume Designer

True Story: I’m A Costume Designer

Tell us a bit about yourself! Hi! I'm Alison, I am originally from Texas but moved to Los Angeles about 15 years ago on a whim. For fun, I hang out with my dogs, read every word I can about Marie Antoinette, and go to as many rock shows as humanly possible. Have you always been interested in fashion and style? I don’t remember this, but my mom says I argued with her about what I wanted to wear...

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How to find your path (even if it’s different than you think)

How to find your path (even if it’s different than you think)

I was sitting in the sunny corner of Mrs. Buisman’s third grade class when I decided that I wanted to be a writer. Of course, I imagined the path that would take me there would be paved with a wildly successful book series about talking otters. When I was 20, I thought my path was writing for newspapers. When I was 22, I thought I'd reach my destination by scribing press releases. When I was 25,...

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True Story: I’m A 35-year-old Virgin + I Intend To Stay That Way

True Story: I’m A 35-year-old Virgin + I Intend To Stay That Way

his is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/challenging/amazing things. This is the story of Kat and why she doesn't ever plan to have sex. Tell us a bit about yourself!  I was born in Maryland. I now reside in Virginia. I’m 34 years old (almost 35). I work from home for a Fortune 500 company. For fun I listen to music, read, knit, spend...

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Mini Travel Guide: Western India

Mini Travel Guide: Western India

Looking for a travel guide to Western India? Want to know where the best beaches are and which street good is the best? Me, too! Which is why I brought in a local to share her best India travel travel tips - what to do, where to go, and to how travel Western India cheaply, safely, and respectfully! Hello, this is Sheena, and that’s also the name of my blog about design in India, travel and food....

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How To Deal With Annoying People Without Gouging Your Eyes Out

How To Deal With Annoying People Without Gouging Your Eyes Out

Let’s play a game called “What’s The Most Frustrating Thing In The Whole Dang World?” My front runners (and there are many): 1. People who repeatedly kick the back of my airline seat 2. People who say inappropriate, disrespectful things (bonus Awful Points if this happens at a fancy event/meal that’s meant to be pleasant or celebratory) 3. When someone who has made different life choices tries...

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True Story: I Lost Both My Parents Before I Turned 30

True Story: I Lost Both My Parents Before I Turned 30

  Tell us a bit about yourself.  I’m from central Scotland, near Stirling (a small town often associated with Mary Queen of Scots and William Wallace!). I’m 30, and work in student administration at a university in the capital, Edinburgh. I love walking, reading (especially Agatha Christie and Conan Doyle books), weightlifting and hanging out with my boyfriend and our two cats. Could you give us...

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