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Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

5 Summer Good Habits To Start Today

Looking for summer good habits to try? We're halfway through the year so this is the perfect time to build some new good habits! Read on to learn more! #habits #goalsetting #selfdevelopment #Successful #Habits #Routine #DailyHabits #Mindset #SelfImprovement #PersonalDevelopment #PersonalGrowth #SelfHelp #Routines #Balance #GrowthMindset #MillennialBlogger #Millennials #Entrepreneurship #Entrepreneur #EntrepreneurLife #EntrepreneurLifestyle #BossLife

We’ve juuuuuust past the halfway mark of the year. Is it year shaping up the way you’d hoped it would? Have you stuck to any of the goals you made in January?

Honestly, this year has been pretty just-keeping-my-head-above-water. Between family stuff, tons of fun-but-incredibly-time-consuming travel, and the Trump administration, it’s all I can do to tick the items of my Every Damn Day List.

But the halfway point in the year is a great time to re-commit and develop one good habit that will get you a tiny bit closer to being the person you want to be. During the summer, days are longer, work pressure might be a bit lighter, and most of us are in slightly better moods.

What a great time to make a change!

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

You Are Not Responsible For Other People’s Happiness

You Are Not Responsible For Other People’s Happiness

“Doyoulikeit? Doyouliiiiiiiikeit? It'sfunnyright? Youlikeitright?”  This was my internal dialog pretty much the entire time my guy and I watched  What We Do In The Shadows. The moment I’d heard it was showing in Minneapolis, I purchased tickets and started sending Kenny links to the trailer, reviews, interviews with the directors. Because Wellington, New Zealand and Jemaine-related humor are...

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True Story: I Earn Significantly More Than My Husband

True Story: I Earn Significantly More Than My Husband

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/challenging/amazing things. This is the story of Shannon and her insight as the breadwinner with a stay-at-home dad/husband and how they make it work. Tell us a bit about yourself! I'm Shannon. I currently live in the suburbs of Washington D.C., but I'm originally from upstate New York, as is my...

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Kitchen Globetrotter: East Timor // Batar Daan

Kitchen Globetrotter: East Timor // Batar Daan

This is one of many internationally flavored recipes that make up our Kitchen Globetrotter series. But this recipe comes from our new contributor, Heidi Larson of Foodie Crush fame. You're going to want to check out her amazing recipes on her blog or follow along on Twitter or Instagram.  I fancy myself to be somewhat knowledgeable about world geography and international cuisine. I’m not an...

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You Have Permission To Be A Work In Progress

You Have Permission To Be A Work In Progress

Here are some things that I’ve tried and failed: 1. Eating less dairy 2. Going completely screen-free after 6 pm 3. Not checking my email till noon 4. Eating every meal at my dining room table, with a place mat and napkin - never, ever in front of my laptop, scanning Facebook as I eat popcorn with a spoon …. and about a million other things. I’ve read articles and studies that support these...

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True Story: I’m 31 + Living With My Parents

True Story: I’m 31 + Living With My Parents

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/challenging/amazing things. This is the story of Cait and her experience moving back in with her parents. Tell us a bit about yourself! Hi! My Name is Cait and I am 31 years old and currently living in Upstate NY. I work for a not-for-profit Family & Child Agency as an assistant. For fun I...

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How To Add Fascinating, Engaging Personality To Your Blog

How To Add Fascinating, Engaging Personality To Your Blog

Now, a giant disclaimer to start this post: I don't think I'm particularly fascinating. I do, however, think you are fascinating and when I can see your personality in your writing? I think that's pretty dang engaging. With that said, one of the sweetest things I hear about my writing is “I feel like I know you!” or “I feel like you’re just talking to me – it doesn't feel like reading!” (I think...

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