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Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

True Story: My Insomnia Affects Every Aspect Of My Life

True Story: My Insomnia Affects Every Aspect Of My Life

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting, challenging, amazing things. This is the story of Summer and her life-long struggle with insomnia.  For the record, Summer totally has her friend's permission to post the above photo 😉 Tell us a bit about yourself!  I’m Summer Grimes, and I’m 32. I live in Minneapolis with my 7-year-old...

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What Should I Blog About? 5 questions that will jump-start your creativity

What Should I Blog About? 5 questions that will jump-start your creativity

Have you already read a million blog posts about blog posts? Copy and paste, SEO-friendly lists of ideas? Me, too. Here are three good, helpful posts like that: 32 of the most popular blog post ideas New year blog post ideas 70+ ideas for any blog's editorial calendar This post will not give you copy and paste titles. This is not where I suggest starting a meme-worthy post series like “what’s in...

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14 Sweet Ways To Show Your Friends You Love Them

14 Sweet Ways To Show Your Friends You Love Them

How do you show friends you love them? And why - in the name of all that is holy - don't we make this a priority? I know that I've bragged shamelessly to you guys about how awesome my friends are. They're smart, funny, adventurous, and amazing in a million different ways. They've nursed me through break ups, picked me up at a million different airports, proofread paper after paper and told me...

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How To Host Your First Workshop

How To Host Your First Workshop

Hosting a workshop is a lot like hosting a well-planned dinner party. You want to get together with a heap of your best client pals, talk about The Things That You’re All Really Good At and Love to Do, and encourage each other on ways to become even better at your business and life. But it all seems so overwhelming. Where do I start? Do I pick a date and then pick a space? How to I set up my...

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Mini Travel Guide: Zimbabwe

Mini Travel Guide: Zimbabwe

Looking for a travel guide to Zimbabwe - land of waterfalls elephants? I brought in a local to share her best Zimbabwe travel tips with us - what to do, where to go, and how to do it all cheaply, safely, and respectfully. I’m Tracy and I want to tell you about the magical and misunderstood country that is Zimbabwe. I was born in Zimbabwe, or “Zim” as we call it. My family left for South Africa...

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How To Find A Partner Who Meets Your Needs

How To Find A Partner Who Meets Your Needs

I'm bringing back the Dear Dude column! Your questions, answered by a real, live dude. This dude happens to be my very own divorced, Phd-having manslice. Dear Dude: I am totally ready to get more from dating and to have a long-term meaningful relationship. I have my act together and I know my standards: he must be cute, funny, smart and interesting. But I can’t seem to get more than six months...

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