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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Sometimes You Win The Race Because Everyone Else Stops Running

Success isn’t always predicated on one, golden idea. In fact, it often comes from years of showing up, meeting deadlines, and doing what you said you were going to do while other people give up.

She leans across the table and taps the voice recorder app on her phone. She asks me – in that way only a college sophomore who’s doing a class project can – “To what do you owe your success?”

I laaaaaugh and stare into my latte and give her an answer that will never,ever be embroidered on a pillow:

“I kept writing and working when lots of other people stopped.”

And then she laughs because when we first sat down, she told me she’d been reading my blog since middle school. She has seen, first hand, that I’ve been writing and working (and then writing and working some more) for literally a decade.

And if you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ve probably seen this, too. That the “success” I’ve experienced has mostly occurred through sheer force of will. 70% of bloggers quit blogging after three months. I just …didn’t.

Because here’s the thing: I think I’m a good writer and I think I have good ideas.

But. read more…

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

True Story: I’m a 48-year-old male nude art model

True Story: I’m a 48-year-old male nude art model

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/challenging/amazing things. This is the story of 'Craig' and his work as a male nude art model.Tell us a bit about yourself!  I was raised in a modest, conservative community near Savannah, Georgia. To others in my family, nudity was to be avoided, shunned, and viewed as decadent and evil. In my...

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How To Be Less Judgmental + More Empathetic

How To Be Less Judgmental + More Empathetic

A few months ago on a flight to warmer locales, a friend and I spent an hour discussing our greatest personal failings. Over tiny bags of peanuts and plastic cups of Diet Coke we dissected our most disappointing qualities. Luckily (?) we share the same less-than-pleasant tendencies: 1. a tendency to judge others' "bad decisions" 2. an equal-if-not-greater tendency to lack empathy for the fallout...

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Kitchen Globetrotter: Israel // Shakshuka

Kitchen Globetrotter: Israel // Shakshuka

  I was halfway through college when I first discovered shakshuka, and it checked aaall the right boxes. It was healthy. It was vegetarian (though I still ate animals then, I've never been a fan of handling raw meat). It was filling. It was easy to prepare and made great leftovers. And, most importantly, it was cheap.If curling up with a warm, comforting bowl of chili on cold winter nights...

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New Thing: Take a pottery class

New Thing: Take a pottery class

Each year I make a list of new things I want to try; it's part of how I live my life on purpose. Some of these new things are exciting, many are terribly mundane. Guys, this is the post where I shatter our collective dream that throwing pottery is exactly like that scene from Ghost. Or perhaps more accurately, it's not like that scene from Ghost if you're throwing pottery and drinking wine out...

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True Story: My Husband Cheated. I Stayed + We Worked Through It

True Story: My Husband Cheated. I Stayed + We Worked Through It

This is one of many True Story Interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/challenging/amazing things. This is the story of 'Elle,' her husband, his affair, and how they repaired their marriage. Tell us a bit about yourself. I’m 49 years old, mom to three children. I’m an author and journalist. Seven years ago, when I was 42, I became a member of the club none of us...

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A Nerdy Analogy To Help You Navigate Tough Stuff

A Nerdy Analogy To Help You Navigate Tough Stuff

A few weeks ago, I was pacing the floor/wringing my hands/generally being wound up and annoying in the vicinity of my man-partner. I nattered on about 2015 and all the big, exciting, really difficult things that are coming my way this year. I talked (at length) about all the articles I was reading and the books I'd ordered so I could research everything in exhausting, minute detail. I discussed...

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