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Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

Rent Your Dreams Before You Buy Them

What would happen if you 'rented' your dreams before you bought them? If you're looking for money-saving tips or financial advice, this will save you tons of money, time, and energy. #personalfinance #moneytips #budgeting #FIRE #yourmoneyoryourlife


I hate to be this person, but I think you guys should know:

I liked Airstream trailers before they were cool.

In 2001, I’d pull off the highway, scramble over barbed wire and peer into the windows of Airstreams sitting in fields with hand-written ‘For Sale’ signs in the window.

At 22, I stopped into a dealership and toured new models, opening tiny fridges and eye-balling counter space. I researched living in a travel trailer above the frostline and how much it costs to rent a spot in a trailer park.

So when I found an Airstream trailer on Airbnb, I viewed it as A Sign. All my dreams were about to come true! I would confirm that, yes, I was meant to live inside a stylish silver marshmallow, winnowing my belongings down to only what could fit under my snug, cocoon-y bed!

Imagine my surprise when I hated it.

Now, to be fair, the Airstream in question was the smallest model; it’s 22 feet long. But I felt like a marble in a tuna can. YOU SIT ON THE TOILET TO SHOWER. read more…

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

True Story: I Got Braces at 30

True Story: I Got Braces at 30

This is one of many True Story interviews, in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting, challenging, amazing things. This is the story of my friend Jess and her decision to get braces (for a second time!) at age 30.  Tell us a bit about yourself!  Hi! I’m Jess. I live in Minneapolis, MN, where I was born and spent most of my childhood. I’m 30 years old. I work at a large...

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Kitchen Globetrotter: Hungary // Szekely Gulyas

Kitchen Globetrotter: Hungary // Szekely Gulyas

Though I’m of German—not Hungarian—heritage, I drifted back to my childhood of German Catholic church basement dinners on this stew’s sour, savory scent. It’s the smell of much-needed warmth in a chilly setting; of a welcoming, longstanding community; of something old and out of fashion and beloved by your most elderly relatives, but at its core, something you can still appreciate as good. A...

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True Story: I Lost 100+ Pounds (And I’m Keeping It Off!)

True Story: I Lost 100+ Pounds (And I’m Keeping It Off!)

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting, challenging, amazing things. This is the story of Anne and her 100+ weight loss.  Tell us a bit about yourself!  Hi there! My name is Anne. I’m a Midwestern girl who grew up outside of Minneapolis and is now firmly planted in St. Louis (go Cards!). While I still feel very un-adult-like most of...

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8 Things To Do During That Weird, Lazy Week Between Christmas and New Years

8 Things To Do During That Weird, Lazy Week Between Christmas and New Years

That week between Christmas and New Year's sure is weird, isn't it? Your in-town friends are out of town and your out-of-town friends are in town and totally overwhelmed with social obligations. If you're working your 9-5, half your coworkers are out of the office and you'll spend an entire week organizing your desk snacks. It's a strange, lazy week. We're not quite ready to pull down the lights...

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Mornings In: Brazil

Mornings In: Brazil

Name: Polyana de Oliveira Hometown: Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, but live in São Paulo, SP Age: 29 Occupation: Travel and Digital Marketing Entrepreneur My alarm is set for: 7:00 AM My Brazilian breakfast Once I get up, I stumble to my kitchen to make myself a "green juice," to wake myself up. I'll throw collard green cubes (i freeze my greens!), cucumber, ginger, mint leaves, and coconut...

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True Story: I’m A Lady + I Don’t Shave

True Story: I’m A Lady + I Don’t Shave

This is one of many True Story interviews in which we talk to people who have experienced interesting/challenging/amazing things. This is the story of Heather and her decision not to shave.  Tell us a bit about yourself! I live in Grand Forks, North Dakota. I'm 32 and a single mom of a 13-year-old. I work at a domestic violence agency. I follow offenders through the court system, run...

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