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Oh hey there,

I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

I want to share your true story!

It’s Monday on Yes & Yes so I bet you’re here for the True Story interview that usually appears in this space. Me, too!

After 400+ interviews, I’m sort of struggling to find stories I haven’t told already!

Competitive lumberjack? Check.
Unexpected home birth? Check.
Parents were con artists? Check.

So I need help from you. If you have a true story we haven’t covered yet, I want to share it!

Interviews can be conducted over email or phone – whichever is easiest for you. You always have the option of being anonymous.

You can search the True Story archives using the search bar above my header to see if we’ve already covered your topic. If you’d like to share your story – or have an idea for an interview – drop me a line at [email protected].

Thanks so much for making Yes & Yes part of your online life!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

Mini Travel Guide: Vanuatu

Mini Travel Guide: Vanuatu

Looking for a travel guide to Vanuatu? Not even sure where Vanuatu is? Vanuatu is a Pacific island nation 1,090 mi east of northern Australia. If you like beaches or volcanoes, this is the place for you! Hi! I'm Gaea. I spent three years in the Peace Corps on the stunning islands of Vanuatu. I lived on two of the islands and visited as many of the other 80 as I could. I documented my adventures...

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Two Sentences That Make Almost Anything Better

Two Sentences That Make Almost Anything Better

  Just like every other human in the world I spend a significant portion of my life a) saying stupid things b) judging people for saying stupid things I'll hate myself a little when I name drop or make a joke that I thought was 'edgy' but is really borderline offensive. I want to turn inside out when I belatedly realize I'm bragging about my happy relationship to a friend who's going through a...

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New Thing: See The Sunset In Key West

New Thing: See The Sunset In Key West

Each year I make a list of new things I want to try; it's part of how I live my life on purpose. Some of these new things are exciting, many are terribly mundane.  I would like to make the argument that the world can be divided into two groups of people: 1. People who listen with curiosity and an open mind when they hear everyone raving about something. 2. Curmugeons and a-holes (like me) who...

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True Story: I’m A Wife + Mother And I Had An Abortion

True Story: I’m A Wife + Mother And I Had An Abortion

This is the story of 'Grace' and her decision to have an abortion after she had her first child. About 17% of the women in America who get abortions are married. I realize that abortion is an incredibly polarizing subject. As always, respectful, articulate discourse and disagreement are welcome. Incendiary comments will be deleted. Tell us a bit about yourself.  I’m 33, living in Wellington, New...

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5 Surprising Small Bedroom Storage Ideas

5 Surprising Small Bedroom Storage Ideas

Looking for small bedroom storage ideas? You're in the right place! If you live in an apartment or an adorable older home with small rooms and tiny closets, lean in closer for great small-space tips from Thalita! Hello friends! I'm so excited to share this month's DIY post with you because I know it's something many of you are personally struggling with.  I have the same problem - little to no...

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True Story: I Blogged About Getting Laid Off + It Totally Changed My Career

True Story: I Blogged About Getting Laid Off + It Totally Changed My Career

What happens when you blog about getting laid off? Do all your former coworkers read it and forward it around the office? Does it impact your unemployment payments. Today, Christina tells us what happened when she wrote about getting laid off on the internet. Tell us a bit about yourself!  My name is Cristina and I live in Raleigh, North Carolina. I love cooking (gluten-free meals), yoga,...

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