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How To Figure Out What Makes You Happy

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I’m Sarah Von Bargen.

Want to look at your calendar and your bank statement and think “Yup, I made awesome choices”? I’ll show you how to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose.

True Story: I’m An Olympic Gold Medalist

What would it be like to win a gold medal? Or three gold medals? What if you won one of those gold medals in overtime in a match sports commentators called "One of the greatest things I've ever seen"? Click through for Gigi Marvin's story.

What would it be like to win a gold medal? Or three gold medals? What if you won one of those gold medals in overtime, in a match that sports commentators called “One of the greatest things I’ve ever seen”? That’s exactly what happened to Gigi Marvin. This is her story.

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Welcome to Yes & Yes!

Want to spend your time, money, and energy on purpose? I'll show you how.

Mornings In: England

Mornings In: England

Name: Catherine Hometown: York, England Age: 24 Occupation: Account Handler for Wholesale Tour Operator My alarm is set for: 6:55! I normally hit snooze 'til at least 7:15, but either way it's far too early for me! My British Breakfast On a weekday it's normally just a bowl of cereal with milk, but it's on the weekends that we like to get a bit more creative. I have a very sweet tooth and love...

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True Story: I’m A Professional Ballerina

True Story: I’m A Professional Ballerina

  Tell us a bit about yourself! Hi there! My name is Rebecca, I am a Corps de Ballet dancer with the Miami City Ballet. I was born in California and moved to Miami when I was 18 to dance in MCB's school and joined the company in 2007. Next year will be my eighth season with Miami City Ballet. I am also the purveyor of a dance blog, Tendus Under a Palm Tree. What lead you to start dancing? My mom...

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How To Look Cute Even When It’s Really, Really Cold

How To Look Cute Even When It’s Really, Really Cold

  Is it even possible to look when it's cold? Can you really look stylish while wearing three layers and your hair is all full of static and your lips are chapped? Sure, looking super cute is slightly more challenging when it's -20, but it can be done (as evidenced by, oh, the entire population of Scandinavia). As a third-generation Minnesotan, I've figured out a few ways to stay cute and...

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How To Sweetly Maintain Client Boundaries + My ‘Collaboration Guidelines’

How To Sweetly Maintain Client Boundaries + My ‘Collaboration Guidelines’

A friend once described me as 'the one with boundaries.' Now, I'm not entirely sure it was meant as a compliment but I chose to interpret it as one. When you're newly self-employed it is so incredibly easy (and even advisable!) to say yes to every client and every project that comes your way. And we're often so hungry for business we allow our clients to walk all over our deadlines,...

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Mini Travel Guide: French-speaking Canada

Mini Travel Guide: French-speaking Canada

Do you really need a travel guide to French-speaking Canada? I mean, how different can it be from America?TRICK QUESTION IT IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT. Yes, they really do speak French there as a primary language. Yes, they really put gravy on fries. Luckily, we have a local to help us figure it out! Hi! I’m Kayla. I have lived in various places in eastern Canada, and have French Canadian extended...

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New Thing: Eat Bibimbap

New Thing: Eat Bibimbap

Each year I make a list of new things I want to try (it's part of how I live my life on purpose). Some of these things are exciting/adventurous/expensive, many of them are super normal, I-can't-believe-I've-never-done-this things. You can read about past shenanigans here. I would encourage you to click play on the above video so you can hear what hot stone bowl bibimbap sounds like! It is a...

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